Monday, May 30, 2011

Catching up...

Life has been busy, so I am going to try and play catch up here. :)


We started off April with Chick Days at the local Southern States. Dh & Abigail came home with 6 little babies! Three White Leghorns and three Rhode Island Reds. (Sadly we only have two of each now - we have lost a total of 5 chicks. Two were out of this original set, plus three that we bought to replace those two.) Chicks are so, so cute!

Growing, getting feathers...

Spring semester, oldest dd participated in a drama class. Mid-April was the show. Erin played Lady-in Waiting 1 in "The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood". It was loads of fun, though the last show was cancelled because of tornadoes in the area!!

The "Castle Cast"

Still to the ummmm...awkward looking stage, lol! By the end of the month it was warm enough to move them to their new outside coop.

Yummmm...fresh strawberries from my FIL.

By the end of April the babies are getting bigger. Silly chicks know their "Momma" Abigail. Eating out of her hand, climbing up on her legs and arms.

The last weekend in April our small group participated in a 4000 step walk to support a Pregnancy Support center. We walked 2 miles around a local town.

In early May our homeschool support group held their annual field day. Relay races, softball throw, long jump and more! I was only able to get a few pictures...

The backwards three-legged race did not go exactly as well as thought...though lots of laughing followed. :)

May book club meeting...

Erin got her license!!

A great example of stink-eye from our little ladies...