Monday, January 2, 2012

The Simple Woman's Daybook, January 2, 2012

More Daybook entries at The Simple Woman's Daybook


Outside my window...lots of cold air!  It had been unseasonably warm, but today it is very cold.

I am thinking...that I can't believe it is 2012 - the year our oldest will graduate.

I am thankful...for a wonderful Christmas filled with lots of family time!

In the kitchen...a crockpot filled with dh's brunswick stew...yummy!

I am wearing...jeans & a Summit t-shirt over a long sleeve shirt.  Seems this is my "uniform" lately.  Mostly because all of my non-ragged t-shirts happen to be from church. :) I would have my Snuggie on, but it has been stolen by my youngest.  :)

I am creating...a shopping list for our upcoming IKEA shopping trip!!

I am watch a movie with dh and the kids tonight - we never got around to watching The Polar Express during December, so we are going to watch it tonight.

I am wondering...if I will keep writing on my blog this year, or let it go like last year...sigh.

I am reading...Made to Crave (while on the treadmill) and Romans & Colossians during my Bible study time.

I am get back in the routine of school easily this week and next.

I am looking forward to...the new bedroom being finished so we can continue the foster to adoption process!

I am learning...

Around the house...painting...the new bedroom is nearly finished!

A favorite quote for today..."it shouldn't take that long for 4 string beans & a peanut"  - you would have to be here to understand that one.  I don't dare explain it - just take my word for it, LOTS of laughter.  :)

A few plans for the rest of the week: back to school!  A field trip to the Art Museum later this week. 

A two girlies being silly yesterday.